Test item 测试名称: Flame test 汽车内饰材料防火阻燃测试
Test info 测试内容:
Test Clause Requirement
Conditioning at least 24 h (21°C and 50%)
1) Test to determine the horizontal burning rate of materials
Scope: material(s) used for the upholstery of any seat and its accessories (including the driver"s seat), the interior lining of the roof, the interior lining of the side and rear walls, including separation walls, the interior lining of the floor, the interior lining of luggage-racks, heating and ventilation pipes, the light fittings and material(s) with thermal and/or acoustic function
Sample Required: 356×100×thickness(no more than 13 ) , 5 pcs for each direction (if applicable)
2) Test to determine the melting of materials
Scope: material(s) used for the interior lining of the roof, the interior lining of the luggage-racks, heating and ventilation pipes situated in the roof, the lights situated in the luggage-racks and/or roof
Sample Required: 10 pcs of 70 X 70 X thickness (each face)
3) Test to determne the vertical burning rate of materials
Scope: material(s) used for the curtains and blinds (and/or other hanging materials)
Sample Required: 6 pcs of 560 X 170 (each direction)
Lead time 测试周期: 常规 Regular 7 working days
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单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。